Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Right Players Make up the PERFECT Huddle

In nearly every football organization from little leagues all the way to the NFL, each and every team has players that play certain positions. You have a quarterback, linebackers, safeties, tight-ends etc... and when the coach puts those 11 players out on the field, each and every positioned player are expected to complete their roles and responsibilities for the overall success of the team.

The image that has been added to this article has 'conference' in the middle with various businesses, organizations, and/or components that contribute to the overall success of a conferences such as the Tutor/Mentor Networking and Leadership Conference (http://www.tutormentorconference.org/). In relation to the football concepts we will say that a conference is the play and all of those components that surround the conference are the players that can lead to a positive gain on the play or a tackle for loss.

Just like in any football organization, the players don't learn a play on the first day of practice and perfect that play that day. The players go through repetitions week in and week out so that when the play is called in the game all of the players know the importance of their role to the success of the overall play.

The next game, the Tutor/Mentor Networking and Leadership Conference, is scheduled for May 28th and May 29th which gives each and every player (from Mentoring, Youth Development, Extended Learning Opportunities, School based programs etc...) in the huddle enough time to to huddle up and to know, practice, understand, and master their role to the overall success of the TEAM in this game.


1 comment:

Tutor Mentor Connections said...

Thanks for posting this. If we carry the sports concept further, the goal of the team is to win the game. Each play is designed to help the team work as a unit toward that goal.

Thus, the May and November conferences are really just part of the game plan. The victory we seek is programs like Cabrini Connections having all the resources and ideas and talent they need to influence the habits and decisions of kids, and volunteers, so the end result is that kids born in poverty neighborhoods like Cabrin Green, are starting jobs and careers by age 25 with the help of "team members" who apply their talents, skills and networking to the best of their ability.

Read more about this on the http://www.tutormentorexchange.net site