Tuesday, June 16, 2009

College Loan and Student Debt Problems?

The Cabrini Connections' program has been up and running for over 10 years and during that time there have been hundreds of former students AND volunteers who have become Cabrini Connections' alumni. One of our main goals in the program is to provide all students with the necessary resources to graduate from high school and to put themselves in a position to be in a job or career by the age of 25. If this model of success holds true, then it would suggest that many Cabrini Connections alums have graduated from high school and college and should be in or on their way to a job or career by that golden age of 25.

Even before the today's economic problems, there have been college students who have had to borrow more just to get into college, and have had to pay even more when leaving college. And with the Cabrini Connections' students and volunteers who have gone on to attend and graduate college, I'm sure that some if not many have or are going through a similar situation. Cabrini Connections is more than a program that assist 7th-12th grade youth while they are enrolled in the program; we hope that both student and volunteer alums will remain connected to the program and each other.

Here is some very helpful information for any Cabrini Connections' student and/or volunteer alumni who may be facing debt problems. But as the Administrative Coordinator of the program I would like to assist current Cabrini Connections' members with the prevention of debt problems and assist alums with getting out debt, but I will need a little assistance. If there were a person or a company that has expertise in this area and would be willing to share some helpful tips, tools, and techniques to our current participants, alumni, and community members that could be a service that would not only be greatly appreciated, but beneficial to all who attends.

We have a great space to host financial workshops, lectures, or meetings throughout the summer and during the school year. And with the state of the current economy and with debt being a situation that many people can relate to, if this type of service was made available it could work wonders the Cabrini Connections' family.
Please don't hesitate to contact Cabrini Connections if you can or know someone who can assist with providing this service.

1 comment:

Tutor Mentor Connections said...

Here's a web site that those with student loans/debt might use as a resource: http://www.ibrinfo.org/index.php