Here are a few of the many roles that if filled would not only be greatly appreciated, but would strengthen our program a great deal.
*Volunteer Recruiter*
-Focus on establishing contacts to recruit volunteers as tutor/mentors, office support, committee members
-Recruitment of volunteers is on-going. However, extra effort will target a build-up of new volunteers for the start of the fall tutoring year.
-Contact volunteer/community affairs coordinator in July/August and request support• Associations - Union League Club, Chicago Bar Association, Young Executives Club, minority professional and business associations• Newslink, media placements• Tutor/Mentor Connection Volunteer Fair - annuallyMinority Recruiting. As part of the organization's policy of recruiting minorities into broad participation and leadership, a targeted effort aims at this group.
*Parent Committee Coordinator*
-Establish parent committee and involve parents on committees
-Invite to orientation in fall
-Establish a once-a-month parent briefing where activity calendars can be reviewed and parents can sign up for multiple events at one time
-Other activities the volunteer(s) might be responsible for include: recruit students, provide escort for those students who need it, support each other and the students and the program and give input to the program.
*Community Relations' Coordinator*
-Facilitate communication among area programs and to prepare a community calendar of events so that groups may support each other and reduce potential scheduling conflicts.
*School Committee Coordinator*
-Establish and maintain a communications link with schools where Cabrini Connection students are enrolled. This will develop two-way support for between the schools and our programs.
*Training Committee Coordinator*
-Responsible for fall Tutor, Student and Parent Orientations. Will also work with the Cabrini Connections staff to present in-service and seminars over the course of the year.
*Motivation/Incentive Committee Coordinator*
-Develop a recognition program for volunteers and students, working with the training and recruiting committees. Some suggested programs
-Develop Mantra/pledge for Cabrini Connections that includes values• Wall plaques to recognize students who recruit/get on honor roll
-Wall plaques to recognize volunteers who raise funds, recruit volunteers
-End of year certificates of achievement/attendance
-Special privileges for extra effort/achievement
-End of Year Dinner/special recognition events
*Student Recruitment Committee Coordinator*
-Responsible for recruiting new students, screening and assessing applicants, following up with parent permission forms.
-Work with the volunteer recruiting committee to try to maintain an enrollment balance between students and tutors.
If you are interested in taking on one of these roles OR if you are interested in learning more about other roles within the program, please feel free to contact Administrative Coordinator, EL Da' Sheon Nix at 312-492-9614 or visit our website (http://www.cabriniconnections.net/)