For any and all who have been keeping up with my Sport's Concepts Blog entries...Thank You! After completing those blogs, and all other posts, I try to share the information by placing the link in many different locations. On June 15, 2009 I posted an article titled
"Cabrini Connections host O.T.A.'s (Organized Team Activities)" discussing how Organized Team Activities are put in place to in a sense create better players, better coaches, and an overall better organization. I posted that link in my Northwestern University Football Player's LinkIN Group and I wanted to share the dialog that has been taking place between myself and a couple of former NU players...including one of NU's greatest running back in history and former Arizona Cardinal,
Mr. Damien "D.A." Anderson. Enjoy!!!
Great analogy, it happens in youth football as well. We set up things specifically for coaches and get little participation. When it comes to extra time in business everyone seems to find something else to do that is more important. Posted 1 month ago
Thanks Chad. At Cabrini Connections, I am the one who writes the majority of the blog articles for that blog...I try to do a Sport's Concepts blog every week or every other week. Here is the link if you want to read some of the others that I have put together over the last year. I just feel that you can compare almost any organization and the people in the organization to a sport's organization.
Posted 1 month ago
I must reiterate what Chilly posted when it comes to business and athletics its like comparing apples to oranges. When dealing with Athletics of any nature in NFL, college, high school, and youth programs you are dealing with money and position and performance. Therefore students/players feel as though their position or livelihood is on the line so they must see through the lines "voluntary" as "mandatory" and reaffirming their commitment to the team and doing what it takes to be successful participate in all activities voluntary or mandatory means the same. When dealing with volunteers you must make the "OTA" as appealing and as beneficial as a regular round table discussion or meeting, stress the importance of the meeting or activity not that fact that its voluntary.
Posted 4 days ago
Thanks for your comment Mr. Anderson. But I think it may be a little more closely related than one may think. In Athletics and Business a couple of the common goals are to be successful, maybe considered to be one of the best, money is usually factored in there, and putting yourself/team in a position to be a champion. For those to happen you have to work hard on and off the field, you have to put the right things in your body, get enough rest, study and learn your assignments, understand your opponent, and be a team player...if all of those ideals are true and can directly and indirectly to those goals listed above. then shouldn't a person no matter if you're an athlete or tutor/mentor to a youth feel as though your or your student's 'position,' livelihood, and/or opportunity be successful in life is on the line? Kenosha was and will never be appealing to any NU football player, but deep down we knew it was inevitable and necessary to reach the individual and team goals for the season
Posted 4 days ago
Don't get me wrong El I'm agreeing with you on the importance of hard work on and off the field or during and off work hours in order to make your team or organization successful. Whether being voluntary or mandatory my point is that although the goals are similar the motivation isn't sounds harsh and it is. When dealing with sports and athletes your dealing with individuals who are looking out for number one "their livelihood" rather than a tutor or mentor which can help based on their availability. The volunteers, tutors, and mentors hearts are in the right place and intentions are great but they can only contribute based on availability. Im sure they get the satisfaction of giving and we all do, but they must take care of home first, then come the mentoring and tutoring time. Your dealing with individuals with a life outside the organization that may have a job, family, or may be affiliated with other organizations, and time has to be divided accordingly. When dealing with athletes their sport is their life because without that sport they wouldn't have their life. As I said in my previous post, stress the importance of the meeting or gathering rather than the voluntary nature.
~Damien ~
Posted 7 hours ago
D.A. I couldn't agree with you more. I truly understand that the volunteers, what I refer to as coaches in my Sport's Blog series, have their own lives, families, and for most their own kids to take care of. There is no denying that and taking care of home first should always be a priority! I feel as though my job as the "Head Coach" of the organization is continue to work towards getting by-in from the volunteers and show them that we are in a sense dealing with the livelihood of the players (the students). Maybe not to the point where the volunteer is taking their student in as a house guest, but buy-in of always asking..."What more can I do to coach my player to success?..." For some that could be, they can only attend the 2-hour practice every week(tutoring session) and for others that could be that they attend the sessions every week, check in on their player on the weekend AND during the summer months when there is more time to lose focus, communicate to their players and the organization other training opportunities (college visits and interns), and promote their player and the entire organization in the hopes that others will become financial supporters and fans! And as the "Head Coach" understand that I am always going to have coaches that fall on both ends of the spectrum and many in between...
Posted 1 hour ago

Don't you just love talking about "Sports"