Monday, April 17, 2006

Welcome to the new Cabrini Connections blog!

Welcome! I hope this will become a place where students and volunteers can express their thoughts about Cabrini Connections. We are looking for a few students and volunteers who would like to post periodically to our blog about the events happening at Cabrini Connections and in our neighborhood. If you are interested in becoming one of our bloggers please email me at

Friday, April 14, 2006

Summer is almost here!

We had a great meeting this week to discuss plans for the art and tech clubs this summer! If anyone has extra ideas for tech or art related events that they would like to do feel free to email me.
Good luck on exams!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Last week at Career Day the speakers were very outgoing & interesting. Everyon had a good time including me. I now know what to expect when I go to college. The Chef was interesting and nice. He talked to us about opening his own grocery store. ----Kevin

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Alumni Update: Corrine Murphy

(original article posted in April 2006 to the Cabrini Connections website)

I am Corrine and I am 19 years old. I have a been a student at Cabrini Connections for seven years. It is a great program because not only it help me with my school work, but helped me grow as well. I improve my grades and my GPA by coming to Cabrini Connections. Now thanks to Cabrini Connections because, not only I'm an honor student, I am a Freshman at Arkansas State University becoming a sophomore with a 3.5 GPA AND Honor Roll.

Thank you Cabrini Connections for all the help you have provided for me. Now I will pass on my skills as a student alumni and help other students.