During the next weeks and months members of the Cabrini Connections community are urged to take part in deep thinking and strategic planning that determines the future of this organization beyond the current school year.
We have provided an organized structure for more than 18 years, thanks to a core group of leaders and a wide range of donors and volunteers. It has never been easy and there has been constant change in the leaders involved. Yet with the help of volunteers who step forward to take over for those who proceeded them, we have continued to provide this space for others to try to have an impact.
If you look at the Program Locator map and search for tutor/mentor programs serving high school kids, you see only 82 listings of places that we know of doing some version of what we try to do here. Many neighborhoods have no programs. Many programs are smaller that we are. Thus, just making Cabrini Connections available and keeping it here for 18 years is a measure of success.
We have many resources on the Cabrini Planning Wiki that you can put everyone on the same page as to the history of Cabrini Connections, it's mission and purpose.
One wiki is titled Good to Great. In this we talk about key values, products and services that we offer.
It's time for new eyes and new leaders to be looking at this information, update it for the future, and take the ownership role that assures the organizations has the resources to achieve this mission.
During future tutor/mentor sessions we'll begin to introduce this planning process to current volunteers and students. If you'd like to take an active role in this process please contact El Da'Sheon Nix or Dan Bassill at 312-492-9614
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