Bradley and I wanted to find opportunities for our volunteers to get to know one another, share ideas and tips about tutoring/mentoring and more, and really just find a way
to enhance a one on one tutoring/mentoring program set up with by strengthening the community feel. Over the summer we put the idea in writing and during out summer meetings with volunteers we shared the idea and several volunteers took on the role of a Monthly Mixer Committee member!

Monthly Mixers are simple; each month the Monthly Mixer Committee picks a bar, club, or lounge and encourages all volunteers, staff, board members, and friends of the program to come out and have a good time on the set day and time. Since the intention is really just for people to come out and have a good time, they try to pick places where it is free entry and only incorporates a fundraising component if offered by the venue. As a small non-profit, volunteer based program we are always looking for funding throughout the year, and with the Mixers we wanted to just have fun and not use these events as fundraisers.
The original committee members are 2nd year volunteer Matt Golden, veteran volunteer Melissa Iwami, veteran volunteer Autumn Sharp, and 1st year volunteer Jennifer O'Rourke. Currently Matt Golden and Melissa Iwami are leading the Mixers and gearing up for the January Monthly Mixer. This month we will be heading to Casey Morans on this Friday to have some fun, and thanks to veteran volunteer Shannyn Nellet that works at Casey Morans there will be some great food and drink packages for all guests of Cabrini Connections. If YOU are free this Friday and want to network and get to know more about Cabrini Connections' and the MANY people that make the program a success, make an effort to attend this Mixer and/or others in the future!
The original committee members are 2nd year volunteer Matt Golden, veteran volunteer Melissa Iwami, veteran volunteer Autumn Sharp, and 1st year volunteer Jennifer O'Rourke. Currently Matt Golden and Melissa Iwami are leading the Mixers and gearing up for the January Monthly Mixer. This month we will be heading to Casey Morans on this Friday to have some fun, and thanks to veteran volunteer Shannyn Nellet that works at Casey Morans there will be some great food and drink packages for all guests of Cabrini Connections. If YOU are free this Friday and want to network and get to know more about Cabrini Connections' and the MANY people that make the program a success, make an effort to attend this Mixer and/or others in the future!

1 comment:
Over the 37 years I've been involved and led a tutor/mentor program the social interactions with volunteers has been one of the most important and fun things I've done. We don't always wear Tuxedos as this photo of me with two volunteers at a charity event shows, but we have always met new people, built new relationships and brainstormed new ways to help Cabrini Connections influence the lives of our teens and volunteers.
I have more difficulty participating in these now because of my own family obligations, appreciate that volunteers and leaders are still gathering on a social networking basis.
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