Student Perfect Attendance
NyShanell Freeman
De’Sean Hale
Ayana Martin
Sean Mayfield
Imann Mitchell
Lamont Morris
Brittany Murphy
Reggie Murphy
Amari Roby
Ashaunti Roby
Ana Tate
Malina Tate
Nathaniel Wilson
Volunteers Perfect Attendance
Carolyn Grunst
Cathrine Lynnerup
Cassia Overk
Jeroz Owens
Sarah Randag
Carla Reyes
Sue Gill
3rd Quarter and Attendance
Immediately following the CPS Spring Break, the Cabrini Connections’ program will be entering our 3rd Quarter for the 2009-2010 tutoring/mentoring year and there is a lot to be earned during this quarter. We will again be hosting out annual trip to Six Flags and the way students confirm their entry into this opportunity is by 3RD QUARTER ATTENDANCE!!! All students who have 75% or better (attending 6 out of 8) of attendance will be invited to A FREE DAY OF FUN AT SIX FLAGS!!!
Bank of America/Upperclassmen Workshop
ALL graduating seniors in the program must maintain outstanding attendance percentages during the 3rd quarter as attendance for seniors during the 3rd quarter can positively or negatively affect Graduation Dollars presented at the Annual Year End Dinner.
The College Zone will be hosting a workshop to discuss Senior Graduation Dollar options and that part of the workshop will be lead by Bank of America Representative and mother of Lawrence Brown (Cabrini Connections’ senior). And following that segment, several Cabrini Connections’ senior will share their “Road to College” experiences with the sophomores and juniors in the program…along with their parents and mentors. ALSO, Sue Gill (College Zone Coordinator) will be providing a FREE pizza dinner following the workshop!!!!
Date: Tuesday April 13th
Time: 5:30pm
Location: Cabrini Connections
Special Note: Please RSVP

2010 Art and Film Festival
Plan to attend this year's Art Festival on Friday April 16th, 2010 from 6-10pm at the Palette and Chisel Art Gallery (1012 N. Dearborn). Go here for more details.
Fund Raising continues to require the efforts of everyone. Please check the Fund Raising Blog each week to know what events you can participate in, and to point friends, co-workers and potential benefactors to ways they can help.
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